Now I am become DOI, destroyer of gatekeeping worlds

Digital object identifiers (DOIs) are much sought-after commodities in the world of academic publishing. If you’ve never seen one, a DOI is a unique string associated with a particular digital object (most commonly a publication of some kind) that lets the internet know where to find the stuff you’ve written. For example, say you want to know where you can get a hold of an article titled, oh, say, Designing next-generation platforms for evaluating scientific output: what scientists can learn from the social web. In the real world, you’d probably go to Google, type that title in, and within three or four clicks, you’d arrive at the document you’re looking for. As it turns out, the world of formal resource location is fairly similar to the real world, except that instead of using Google, you go to a website called, and then you plug in the string ‘10.3389/fncom.2012.00072’, which is the DOI associated with the aforementioned article. And then, poof, you’re automagically linked directly to the original document, upon which you can gaze in great awe for as long as you feel comfortable.

Historically, DOIs have almost exclusively been issued by official-type publishers: Elsevier, Wiley, PLoS and such. Consequently, DOIs have had a reputation as a minor badge of distinction–probably because you’d traditionally only get one if your work was perceived to be important enough for publication in a journal that was (at least nominally) peer-reviewed. And perhaps because of this tendency to view the presence of a DOIs as something like an implicit seal of approval from the Great Sky Guild of Academic Publishing, many journals impose official or unofficial commandments to the effect that, when writing a paper, one shalt only citeth that which hath been DOI-ified. For example, here’s a boilerplate Elsevier statement regarding references (in this case, taken from the Neuron author guidelines):

References should include only articles that are published or in press. For references to in press articles, please confirm with the cited journal that the article is in fact accepted and in press and include a DOI number and online publication date. Unpublished data, submitted manuscripts, abstracts, and personal communications should be cited within the text only.

This seems reasonable enough until you realize that citations that occur “within the text only” aren’t very useful, because they’re ignored by virtually all formal citation indices. You want to cite a blog post in your Neuron paper and make sure it counts? Well, you can’t! Blog posts don’t have DOIs! You want to cite a what? A tweet? That’s just crazy talk! Tweets are 140 characters! You can’t possibly cite a tweet; the citation would be longer than the tweet itself!

The injunction against citing DOI-less documents is unfortunate, because people deserve to get credit for the interesting things they say–and it turns out that they have, on rare occasion, been known to say interesting things in formats other than the traditional peer-reviewed journal article. I’m pretty sure if Mark Twain were alive today, he’d write the best tweets EVER. Well, maybe it would be a tie between Mark Twain and the NIH Bear. But Mark Twain would definitely be up there. And he’d probably write some insightful blog posts too. And then, one imagines that other people would probably want to cite this brilliant 21st-century man of letters named @MarkTwain in their work. Only they wouldn’t be allowed to, you see, because 21st-century Mark Twain doesn’t publish all, or even most, of his work in traditional pre-publication peer-reviewed journals. He’s too impatient to rinse-and-repeat his way through the revise-and-resubmit process every time he wants to share a new idea with the world, even when those ideas are valuable. 21st-century @MarkTwain just wants his stuff out there already where people can see it.

Why does Elsevier hate 21st-century Mark Twain, you ask? I don’t know. But in general, I think there are two main reasons for the disdain many people seem to feel at the thought of allowing authors to freely cite DOI-less objects in academic papers. The first reason has to do with permanence—or lack thereof. The concern here is that if we allowed everyone to cite just any old web page, blog post, or tweet in academic articles, there would be no guarantee that those objects would still be around by the time the citing work was published, let alone several years hence. Which means that readers might be faced with a bunch of dead links. And dead links are not very good at backing up scientific arguments. In principle, the DOI requirement is supposed to act like some kind of safety word that protects a citation from the ravages of time—presumably because having a DOI means the cited work is important enough for the watchful eye of Sauron Elsevier to periodically scan across it and verify that it hasn’t yet fallen off of the internet’s cliffside.

The second reason has to do with quality. Here, the worry is that we can’t just have authors citing any old opinion someone else published somewhere on the web, because, well, think of the children! Terrible things would surely happen if we allowed authors to link to unverified and unreviewed works. What would stop me from, say, writing a paper criticizing the idea that human activity is contributing to climate change, and supporting my argument with “citations” to random pages I’ve found via creative Google searches? For that matter, what safeguard would prevent a brazen act of sockpuppetry in which I cite a bunch of pages that I myself have (anonymously) written? Loosening the injunction against formally citing non-peer-reviewed work seems tantamount to inviting every troll on the internet to a formal academic dinner.

To be fair, I think there’s some merit to both of these concerns. Or at least, I think there used to be some merit to these concerns. Back when the internet was a wee nascent flaky thing winking in and out of existence every time a dial-up modem connection went down, it made sense to worry about permanence (I mean, just think: if we had allowed people to cite GeoCities webpages in published articles, every last one of those citations links would now be dead!) And similarly, back in the days when peer review was an elite sort of activity that could only be practiced by dignified gentlepersons at the cordial behest of a right honorable journal editor, it probably made good sense to worry about quality control. But the merits of such concerns have now largely disappeared, because we now live in a world of marvelous technology, where bits of information cost virtually nothing to preserve forever, and a new post-publication platform that allows anyone to review just about any academic work in existence seems to pop up every other week (cf. PubPeer, PubMed Commons, Publons, etc.). In the modern world, nothing ever goes out of print, and if you want to know what a whole bunch of experts think about something, you just have to ask them about it on Twitter.

Which brings me to this blog post. Or paper. Whatever you want to call it. It was first published on my blog. You can find it–or at least, you could find it at one point in time–at the following URL:

Unfortunately, there’s a small problem with this URL: it contains nary a DOI in sight. Really. None of the eleventy billion possible substrings in it look anything like a DOI. You can even scramble the characters if you like; I don’t care. You’re still not going to find one. Which means that most journals won’t allow you to officially cite this blog post in your academic writing. Or any other post, for that matter. You can’t cite my post about statistical power and magical sample sizes; you can’t cite Joe Simmons’ Data Colada post about Mturk and effect sizes; you can’t cite Sanjay Srivastava’s discussion of replication and falsifiability; and so on ad infinitum. Which is a shame, because it’s a reasonably safe bet that there are at least one or two citation-worthy nuggets of information trapped in some of those blog posts (or millions of others), and there’s no reason to believe that these nuggets must all have readily-discoverable analogs somewhere in the “formal” scientific literature. As the Elsevier author guidelines would have it, the appropriate course of action in such cases is to acknowledge the source of an idea or finding in the text of the article, but not to grant any other kind of formal credit.

Now, typically, this is where the story would end. The URL can’t be formally cited in an Elsevier article; end of story. BUT! In this case, the story doesn’t quite end there. A strange thing happens! A short time after it appears on my blog, this post also appears–in virtually identical form–on something called The Winnower, which isn’t a blog at all, but rather, a respectable-looking alternative platform for scientific publication and evaluation.

Even more strangely, on The Winnower, a mysterious-looking set of characters appear alongside the text. For technical reasons, I can’t tell you what the set of characters actually is (because it isn’t assigned until this piece is published!). But I can tell you that it starts with “10.15200/winn”. And I can also tell you what it is: It’s a DOI! It’s one bona fide free DOI, courtesy of The Winnower. I didn’t have to pay for it, or barter any of my services for it, or sign away any little pieces of my soul to get it*. I just installed a WordPress plugin, pressed a few buttons, and… poof, instant DOI. So now this is, proudly, one of the world’s first N (where N is some smallish number probably below 1000) blog posts to dress itself up in a nice DOI (Figure 1). Presumably because it’s getting ready for a wild night out on the academic town.

sticks and stones may break my bones, but DOIs make me feel pretty
Figure 1. Effects of assigning DOIs to blog posts: an anthropomorphic depiction. (A) A DOI-less blog post feels exposed and inadequate; it envies its more reputable counterparts and languishes in a state of torpor and existential disarray. (B) Freshly clothed in a newly-minted DOI, the same blog post feels confident, charismatic, and alert. Brimming with energy, it eagerly awaits the opportunity to move mountains and reshape scientific discourse. Also, it has longer arms.

Does the mere fact that my blog post now has a DOI actually change anything, as far as the citation rules go? I don’t know. I have no idea if publishers like Elsevier will let you officially cite this piece in an article in one of their journals. I would guess not, but I strongly encourage you to try it anyway (in fact, I’m willing to let you try to cite this piece in every paper you write for the next year or so—that’s the kind of big-hearted sacrifice I’m willing to make in the name of science). But I do think it solves both the permanence and quality control issues that are, in theory, the whole reason for journals having a no-DOI-no-shoes-no-service policy in the first place.

How? Well, it solves the permanence problem because The Winnower is a participant in the CLOCKSS archive, which means that if The Winnower ever goes out of business (a prospect that, let’s face it, became a little bit more likely the moment this piece appeared on their site), this piece will be immediately, freely, and automatically made available to the worldwide community in perpetuity via the associated DOI. So you don’t need to trust the safety of my blog—or even The Winnower—any more. This piece is here to stay forever! Rejoice in the cheapness of digital information and librarians’ obsession with archiving everything!

As for the quality argument, well, clearly, this here is not what you would call a high-quality academic work. But I still think you should be allowed to cite it wherever and whenever you want. Why? For several reasons. First, it’s not exactly difficult to determine whether or not it’s a high-quality academic work—even if you’re not willing to exercise your own judgment. When you link to a publication on The Winnower, you aren’t just linking to a paper; you’re also linking to a review platform. And the reviews are very prominently associated with the paper. If you dislike this piece, you can use the comment form to indicate exactly why you dislike it (if you like it, you don’t need to write a comment; instead, send an envelope stuffed with money to my home address).

Second, it’s not at all clear that banning citations to non-prepublication-reviewed materials accomplishes anything useful in the way of quality control. The reliability of the peer-review process is sufficiently low that there is simply no way for it to consistently sort the good from the bad. The problem is compounded by the fact that rejected manuscripts are rarely discarded forever; typically, they’re quickly resubmitted to another journal. The bibliometric literature shows that it’s possible to publish almost anything in the peer-reviewed literature given enough persistence.

Third, I suspect—though I have no data to support this claim—that a worldview that treats having passed peer review and/or receiving a DOI as markers of scientific quality is actually counterproductive to scientific progress, because it promotes a lackadaisical attitude on the part of researchers. A reader who believes that a claim is significantly more likely to be true in virtue of having a DOI is a reader who is slightly less likely to take the extra time to directly evaluate the evidence for that claim. The reality, unfortunately, is that most scientific claims are wrong, because the world is complicated and science is hard. Pretending that there is some reasonably accurate mechanism that can sort all possible sources into reliable and unreliable buckets—even to a first order of approximation—is misleading at best and dangerous at worst. Of course, I’m not suggesting that you can’t trust a paper’s conclusions unless you’ve read every work it cites in detail (I don’t believe I’ve ever done that for any paper!). I’m just saying that you can’t abdicate the responsibility of evaluating the evidence to some shapeless, anonymous mass of “reviewers”. If I decide not to chase down the Smith & Smith (2007) paper that Jones & Jones (2008) cite as critical support for their argument, I shouldn’t be able to turn around later and say something like “hey, Smith & Smith (2007) was peer reviewed, so it’s not my fault for not bothering to read it!”

So where does that leave us? Well, if you’ve read this far, and agree with most or all of the above arguments, I hope I can convince you of one more tiny claim. Namely, that this piece represents (a big part of) the future of academic publishing. Not this particular piece, of course; I mean the general practice of (a) assigning unique identifiers to digital objects, (b) preserving those objects for all posterity in a centralized archive, and (c) allowing researchers to cite any and all such objects in their work however they like. (We could perhaps also add (d) working very hard to promote centralized “post-publication” peer review of all of those objects–but that’s a story for another day.)

These are not new ideas, mind you. People have been calling for a long time for a move away from a traditional gatekeeping-oriented model of pre-publication review and towards more open publication and evaluation models. These calls have intensified in recent years; for instance, in 2012, a special topic in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience featured 18 different papers that all independently advocated for very similar post-publication review models. Even the actual attachment of DOIs to blog posts isn’t new; as a case in point, consider that C. Titus Brown—in typical pioneering form—was already experimenting with ways to automatically DOIfy his blog posts via FigShare way back in the same dark ages of 2012. What is new, though, is the emergence and widespread adoption of platforms like The Winnower, FigShare, or Research Gate that make it increasingly easy to assign a DOI to academically-relevant works other than traditional journal articles. Thanks to such services, you can now quickly and effortlessly attach a DOI to your open-source software packages, technical manuals and white papers, conference posters, or virtually any other kind of digital document.

Once such efforts really start to pick up steam—perhaps even in the next two or three years—I think there’s a good chance we’ll fall into a positive feedback loop, because it will become increasingly clear that for many kinds of scientific findings or observations, there’s simply nothing to be gained by going through the cumbersome, time-consuming conventional peer review process. To the contrary, there will be all kinds of incentives for researchers to publish their work as soon as they feel it’s ready to share. I mean, look, I can write blog posts a lot faster than I can write traditional academic papers. Which means that if I write, say, one DOI-adorned blog post a month, my Google Scholar profile is going to look a lot bulkier a year from now, at essentially no extra effort or cost (since I’m going to write those blog posts anyway!). In fact, since services like The Winnower and FigShare can assign DOIs to documents retroactively, you might not even have to wait that long. Check back this time next week, and I might have a dozen new indexed publications! And if some of these get cited—whether in “real” journals or on other indexed blog posts—they’ll then be contributing to my citation count and h-index too (at least on Google Scholar). What are you going to do to keep up?

Now, this may all seem a bit off-putting if you’re used to thinking of scientific publication as a relatively formal, laborious process, where two or three experts have to sign off on what you’ve written before it gets to count for anything. If you’ve grown comfortable with the idea that there are “real” scientific contributions on the one hand, and a blooming, buzzing confusion of second-rate opinions on the other, you might find the move to suddenly make everything part of the formal record somewhat disorienting. It might even feel like some people (like, say, me) are actively trying to game the very system that separates science from tabloid news. But I think that’s the wrong perspective. I don’t think anybody—certainly not me—is looking to get rid of peer review. What many people are actively working towards are alternative models of peer review that will almost certainly work better.

The right perspective, I would argue, is to embrace the benefits of technology and seek out new evaluation models that emphasize open, collaborative review by the community as a whole instead of closed pro forma review by two or three semi-randomly selected experts. We now live in an era where new scientific results can be instantly shared at essentially no cost, and where sophisticated collaborative filtering algorithms and carefully constructed reputation systems can potentially support truly community-driven, quantitatively-grounded open peer review on a massive scale. In such an environment, there are few legitimate excuses for sticking with archaic publication and evaluation models—only the familiar, comforting pull of the status quo. Viewed in this light, using technology to get around the limitations of old gatekeeper-based models of scientific publication isn’t gaming the system; it’s actively changing the system—in ways that will ultimately benefit us all. And in that context, the humble self-assigned DOI may ultimately become—to liberally paraphrase Robert Oppenheimer and the Bhagavad Gita—one of the destroyers of the old gatekeeping world.

The reviewer’s dilemma, or why you shouldn’t get too meta when you’re supposed to be writing a review that’s already overdue

When I review papers for journals, I often find myself facing something of a tension between two competing motives. On the one hand, I’d like to evaluate each manuscript as an independent contribution to the scientific literature–i.e., without having to worry about how the manuscript stacks up against other potential manuscripts I could be reading. The rationale being that the plausibility of the findings reported in a manuscript shouldn’t really depend on what else is being published in the same journal, or in the field as a whole: if there are methodological problems that threaten the conclusions, they shouldn’t become magically more or less problematic just because some other manuscript has (or doesn’t have) gaping holes. Reviewing should simply be a matter of documenting one’s major concerns and suggestions and sending them back to the Editor for infallible judgment.

The trouble with this idea is that if you’re of a fairly critical bent, you probably don’t believe the majority of the findings reported in the manuscripts sent to you to review. Empirically, this actually appears to be the right attitude to hold, because as a good deal of careful work by biostatisticians like John Ioannidis shows, most published research findings are false, and most true associations are inflated. So, in some ideal world, where the job of a reviewer is simply to assess the likelihood that the findings reported in a paper provide an accurate representation of reality, and/or to identify ways of bringing those findings closer in line with reality, skepticism is the appropriate default attitude. Meaning, if you keep the question “why don’t I believe these results?” firmly in mind as you read through a paper and write your review, you probably aren’t going to go wrong all that often.

The problem is that, for better or worse, one’s job as a reviewer isn’t really–or at least, solely–to evaluate the plausibility of other people’s findings. In large part, it’s to evaluate the plausibility of reported findings in relation to the other stuff that routinely gets published in the same journal. For instance, if you regularly reviewing papers for a very low-tier journal, the editor is probably not going to be very thrilled to hear you say “well, Ms. Editor, none of the last 15 papers you’ve sent me are very good, so you should probably just shut down the journal.” So a tension arises between writing a comprehensive review that accurately captures what the reviewer really thinks about the results–which is often (at least in my case) something along the lines of “pffft, there’s no fucking way this is true”–and writing a review that weighs the merits of the reviewed manuscript relative to the other candidates for publication in the same journal.

To illustrate, suppose I review a paper and decide that, in my estimation, there’s only a 20% chance the key results reported in the paper would successfully replicate (for the sake of argument, we’ll pretend I’m capable of this level of precision). Should I recommend outright rejection? Maybe, since 1 in 5 odds of long-term replication don’t seem very good. But then again, what if 20% is actually better than average? What if I think the average article I’m sent to review only has a 10% chance of holding up over time? In that case, if I recommend rejection of the 20% article, and the editor follows my recommendation, most of the time I’ll actually be contributing to the journal publishing poorer quality articles than if I’d recommended accepting the manuscript, even if I’m pretty sure the findings reported in the manuscript are false.

Lest this sound like I’m needlessly overanalyzing the review process instead of buckling down and writing my own overdue reviews (okay, you’re right, now stop being a jerk), consider what happens when you scale the problem up. When journal editors send reviewers manuscripts to look over, the question they really want an answer to is, “how good is this paper compared to everything else that crosses my desk?” But most reviewers naturally incline to answer a somewhat different–and easier–question, namely, “in the grand scheme of life, the universe, and everything, how good is this paper?” The problem, then, is that if the variance in curmudgeonliness between reviewers exceeds the (reliable) variance within reviewers, then arguably the biggest factor in determining whether or not a given paper gets rejected is simply who happens to review it. Not how much expertise the reviewer has, or even how ‘good’ they are (in the sense that some reviewers are presumably better than others at identifying serious problems and overlooking trivial ones), but simply how critical they are on average. Which is to say, if I’m Reviewer 2 on your manuscript, you’ll probably have a better chance of rejection than if Reviewer 2 is someone who characteristically writes one-paragraph reviews that begin with the words “this is an outstanding and important piece of work…”

Anyway, on some level this is a pretty trivial observation; after all, we all know that the outcome of the peer review process is, to a large extent, tantamount to a roll of the dice. We know that there are cranky reviewers and friendly reviewers, and we often even have a sense of who they are, which is why we often suggest people to include or exclude as reviewers in our cover letters. The practical question though–and the reason for bringing this up here–is this: given that we have this obvious and ubiquitous problem of reviewers having different standards for what’s publishable, and that this undeniably impacts the outcome of peer review, are there any simple steps we could take to improve the reliability of the review process?

The way I’ve personally made peace between my desire to provide the most comprehensive and accurate review I can and the pragmatic need to evaluate each manuscript in relation to other manuscripts is to use the “comments to the Editor” box to provide some additional comments about my review. Usually what I end up doing is writing my review with little or no thought for practical considerations such as “how prestigious is this journal” or “am I a particularly harsh reviewer” or “is this a better or worse paper than most others in this journal”. Instead, I just write my review, and then when I’m done, I use the comments to the editor to say things like “I’m usually a pretty critical reviewer, so don’t take the length of my review as an indication I don’t like the manuscript, because I do,” or, “this may seem like a negative review, but it’s actually more positive than most of my reviews, because I’m a huge jerk.” That way I can appease my conscience by writing the review I want to while still giving the editor some indication as to where I fit in the distribution of reviewers they’re likely to encounter.

I don’t know if this approach makes any difference at all, and maybe editors just routinely ignore this kind of thing; it’s just the best solution I’ve come up with that I can implement all by myself, without asking anyone else to change their behavior. But if we allow ourselves to contemplate alternative approaches that include changes to the review process itself (while still adhering to the standard pre-publication review model, which, like many other people, I’ve argued is fundamentally dysfunctional), then there are many other possibilities.

One idea, for instance, would be to include calibration questions that could be used to estimate (and correct for) individual differences in curmudgeonliness. For instance, in addition to questions about the merit of the manuscript itself, the review form could have a question like “what proportion of articles you review do you estimate end up being rejected?” or “do you consider yourself a more critical or less critical reviewer than most of your peers?”

Another, logistically more difficult, idea would be to develop a centralized database of review outcomes, so that editors could see what proportion of each reviewer’s assignments ultimately end up being rejected (though they couldn’t see the actual content of the reviews). I don’t know if this type of approach would improve matters at all; it’s quite possible that the review process is fundamentally so inefficient and slow that editors just don’t have the time to spend worrying about this kind of thing. But it’s hard to believe that there aren’t some simple calibration steps we could take to bring reviewers into closer alignment with one another–even if we’re confined to working within the standard pre-publication model of peer review. And given the abysmally low reliability of peer review, even small improvements could potentially produce large benefits in the aggregate.

building better platforms for evaluating science: a request for feedback

UPDATE 4/20/2012: a revised version of the paper mentioned below is now available here.

A couple of months ago I wrote about a call for papers for a special issue of Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience focusing on “Visions for Open Evaluation of Scientific Papers by Post-Publication Peer Review“. I wrote a paper for the issue, the gist of which is that many of the features scientists should want out of a next-generation open evaluation platform are already implemented all over the place in social web applications, so that building platforms for evaluating scientific output should be more a matter of adapting existing techniques than having to come up with brilliant new approaches. I’m talking about features like recommendation engines, APIs, and reputation systems, which you can find everywhere from Netflix to Pandora to Stack Overflow to Amazon, but (unfortunately) virtually nowhere in the world of scientific publishing.

Since the official deadline for submission is two months away (no, I’m not so conscientious that I habitually finish my writing assignments two months ahead of time–I just failed to notice that the deadline had been pushed way back), I figured I may as well use the opportunity to make the paper openly accessible right now in the hopes of soliciting some constructive feedback. This is a topic that’s kind of off the beaten path for me, and I’m not convinced I really know what I’m talking about (well, fine, I’m actually pretty sure I don’t know what I’m talking about), so I’d love to get some constructive criticism from people before I submit a final version of the manuscript. Not only from scientists, but ideally also from people with experience developing social web applications–or actually, just about anyone with good ideas about how to implement and promote next-generation evaluation platforms. I mean, if you use Netflix or reddit regularly, you’re pretty much a de facto expert on collaborative filtering and recommendation systems, right?

Anyway, here’s the abstract:

Traditional pre-publication peer review of scientific output is a slow, inefficient, and unreliable process. Efforts to replace or supplement traditional evaluation models with open evaluation platforms that leverage advances in information technology are slowly gaining traction, but remain in the early stages of design and implementation. Here I discuss a number of considerations relevant to the development of such platforms. I focus particular attention on three core elements that next-generation evaluation platforms should strive to emphasize, including (a) open and transparent access to accumulated evaluation data, (b) personalized and highly customizable performance metrics, and (c) appropriate short-term incentivization of the userbase. Because all of these elements have already been successfully implemented on a large scale in hundreds of existing social web applications, I argue that development of new scientific evaluation platforms should proceed largely by adapting existing techniques rather than engineering entirely new evaluation mechanisms. Successful implementation of open evaluation platforms has the potential to substantially advance both the pace and the quality of scientific publication and evaluation, and the scientific community has a vested interest in shifting towards such models as soon as possible.

You can download the PDF here (or grab it from SSRN here). It features a cameo by Archimedes and borrows concepts liberally from sites like reddit, Netflix, and Stack Overflow (with attribution, of course). I’d love to hear your comments; you can either leave them below or email me directly. Depending on what kind of feedback I get (if any), I’ll try to post a revised version of the paper here in a month or so that works in people’s comments and suggestions.

(fanciful depiction of) Archimedes, renowned ancient Greek mathematician and co-inventor (with Al Gore) of the open access internet repository

younger and wiser?

Peer reviewers get worse as they age, not better. That’s the conclusion drawn by a study discussed in the latest issue of Nature. The study isn’t published yet, and it’s based on analysis of 1,400 reviews in just one biomedical journal (The Annals of Emergency Medicine), but there’s no obvious reason why these findings shouldn’t generalize to other areas of research.From the article:

The most surprising result, however, was how individual reviewers’ scores changed over time: 93% of them went down, which was balanced by fresh young reviewers coming on board and keeping the average score up. The average decline was 0.04 points per year.

That 0.04/year is, I presume, on a scale of 5,  and the quality of reviews was rated by the editors of the journal. This turns the dogma of experience on its head, in that it suggests editors are better off asking more junior academics for reviews (though whether this data actually affects editorial policy remains to be seen). Of course, the key question–and one that unfortunately isn’t answered in the study–is why more senior academics give worse reviews. It’s unlikely that experience makes you a poorer scientist, so the most likely explanation is that that “older reviewers tend to cut corners,” as the article puts it. Anecdotally, I’ve noticed this myself in the dozen or so reviews I’ve completed; my reviews often tend to be relatively long compared to those of the other reviewers, most of whom are presumably more senior. I imagine length of review is (very) loosely used as a proxy for quality of review by editors, since a longer review will generally be more comprehensive. But this probably says more about constraints on reviewers’ time than anything else. I don’t have grants to write and committees to sit on; my job consists largely of writing papers, collecting data, and playing the occasional video game keeping up with the literature.

Aside from time constraints, senior researchers probably also have less riding on a review than junior researchers do. A superficial review from an established researcher is unlikely to affect one’s standing in the field, but as someone with no reputation to speak of, I usually feel a modicum of pressure to do at least a passable job reviewing a paper. Not that reviews make a big difference (they are, after all, anonymous to all but the editors, and occasionally, the authors), but at this point in my career they seem like something of an opportunity, whereas I’m sure twenty or thirty years from now they’ll feel much more like an obligation.

Anyway, that’s all idle speculation. The real highlight of the Nature article is actually this gem:

Others are not so convinced that older reviewers aren’t wiser. “This is a quantitative review, which is fine, but maybe a qualitative study would show something different,” says Paul Hébert, editor of the Canadian Medical Association Journal in Ottawa. A thorough review might score highly on the Annals scale, whereas a less thorough but more insightful review might not, he says. “When you’re young you spend more time on it and write better reports. But I don’t want a young person on a panel when making a multi-million-dollar decision.”

I think the second quote is on the verge of being reasonable (though DrugMonkey disagrees), but the first is, frankly, silly. Qualitative studies can show almost anything you want them to show; I thought that was precisely why we do quantitative studies…

[h/t: DrugMonkey]