After the CNS symposium on building a cumulative cognitive neuroscience, several people I talked to said it was a pity there wasn’t an online repository where all the sites that the speakers discussed could be accessed. I should have thought of that ahead of time, because even if we made one now, no one would ever find it. So, belatedly, the best I can do is put together a list here, where I’m pretty sure no one’s ever going to read it.
Anyway, this is mostly from memory, so I may be forgetting some of the things people talked about, but here’s what I can remember:
- Sums DB (the Van Essen’s lab giant database of fMRI-related data)
- BrainMap (the other major fMRI database; interfaces nicely with meta-analysis tools available here)
- The Cognitive Atlas (project discussed in Russ Poldrack’s talk)
- PubBrain (ditto)
- The Neuroscience Information Framework (mentioned in Van Essen’s talk)
- Tor Wager’s lab website (full of downloadable software for meta-analysis and other nifty stuff)
Let me know if there’s anything I’m leaving out.
On a related note, several people at the conference asked me for my slides, but I promptly forgot who they were, so here they are.
UPDATED: Russ Poldrack’s slides are now also on the web here.